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Preview: Young Adult

R for immaturity, life lessons not learned, pretty people acting ugly…

Preview: New Year’s Eve

PG-13 for contrived storytelling, unearned sentiment, naive belief that at midnight on New Year's Eve every celebrity will find another celebrity to kiss…

Preview: The Sitter

R for poor childcare, lack of scruples, the timeless humor of a young blonde girl saying "I sharted"…

Preview: Coriolanus

R for dissentious rogues, dead carcasses of unburied men / that do corrupt the air…

Preview: Hugo

PG for brutal violence, drug trafficking, and... wait, Scorcese is making a family movie?…

Preview: Arthur Christmas

PG for yuletide spaceships, festive nepotism, mom-and-pop-and-1.2-million-unpaid-elves business…

Preview: A Dangerous Method

R for primal urges, crackpot theories, cigars that are sometimes more than just cigars…

Preview: The Muppets

PG for fart shoes, puppet electrocution, unflinching portrayal of the difficulties of being green…

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